Friday, August 5, 2011

Special Days Celebrated During Ramadan

Ramadan 2011 Pictures 
 There are a number of special days, Will and Guy have discovered, during the month of Ramadan which are considered particularly special. Since Islam is a worldwide religion not all Muslim countries follow the same celebrations or traditions, Fasting is appropriate but different countries may have differing practices.
Battle of Badr: This was a key battle in the year 625 CE and which occurred on the 17th of Ramadan
Retaking of Mecca: On the 19th of Ramadan in the year 630 CE it is believed that Muhammad managed to return and retake the city of Mecca from his opponents. 

Deaths: A number of important deaths occurred during the month of Ramadan: Muhammad's first wife, Khadija (10th) and both Ali and the eight Shiite Imam, Ali Reza (21st).
Births: A number of important births also occurred during the month of Ramadan: Hussein (6th), who was later martyred and Ali (22nd). 

Laylat ul-Qadr: This literally means "the night of power," and is celebrated on one of the last ten days during the month of Ramadan, but always on an odd numbered day. Tradition holds that on this night, the prayers of a sincere and devout Muslim are sure to be answered because it is believed to be the night when the Quran was first revealed to Muhammad. Many Muslims also believe that, on this night, the tree of Paradise is shaken and the names of all those who will die in the coming year can be found on the fallen leaves. 

Ramadan 2010
Eid ul-Fitr: On this day a large feast is celebrated on the breaking of the fast of Ramadan, and is held on the first day of Shawwal, right after the month of Ramadan. Also called "Eid," on this day many elaborate dishes are served at banquet-like gatherings. Additionally, houses are decorated and gifts are exchanged.

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